Final fantasy ix psp rom
Final fantasy ix psp rom

final fantasy ix psp rom final fantasy ix psp rom

Most of the enemies of this game make for fun fights, just at a snail’s pace. Loading times are more of a slog in this one, battle speed itself is slower than the previous games, and the better abilities are more flashy and long. Unfortunately, as is rightly criticized battle is extremely slow though pretty looking. Limit Breaks are no more and are replaced by Trance: a meter that builds up when a character is hit, and when it reaches it’s peak the character transforms into a more powerful form with enhanced abilities. Gain the required AP amount while using that equipment, and the abilities laden within become open for permanent use. Each item has at least one ability usable while it’s equipped (and enabled when talking about support abilities). This time however, there are many to be used through equipment instead of leveling up.

final fantasy ix psp rom

The gameplay itself is a bit more like FFIV: Every character has an archetype of a Job usually known in the games, and their own abilities to go with it. The order of seeing them is key, because some will either lead to others or erase everything else on the list. Through all this IX’s own plot is still kept in check! This game uses an active time event system, in which other small plot moments will take place during yours, and the select button will trigger a menu to see them. That’s not to say this isn’t enjoyable without playing another FF game, far from it actually. Some are references we couldn’t even get at the time because they were of games we never got (or was never translated correctly in the game it’s referencing, such is the case with Oeilvert) and some take a good while to catch. Luckily the localization effort is also at it’s best with this title, with only a few side references screwed up.įFIX is littered with little extras and references to older FF games everywhere but it’s done right, in a way that doesn’t always yell at your face that this is a reference. Some of the more beloved characters in the series are introduced in this game, such as the cute little Black Mage Vivi. You are a thief who’s beginning mission is to kidnap the princess under the guise of a performance of the region’s most beloved musical, but it turns out the princess wants to be kidnapped and the operation runs into a snag. Also unlike the last few games before it, the plot takes a turn for more light hearted affair akin to FFV (at first anyway). After the Sci-Fi focused VII and VIII, Square decided to go back to it’s fantastic roots for a remembrance of Final Fantasy as it was.

Final fantasy ix psp rom