After knowing that Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet, Romeo and Juliet don’t seem to care that much. Tybalt( a Capulet) don’t like a Montague(Romeo) in the party and he want Romeo out, but Capulet push him down and let Romeo on his own. Of course that Romeo and Juliet (They’re from rival families) fall in love with each other at the party. Mercutio( one of Romeo friends) tell him to go to the party and maybe he will finds someone suitable for him. Montague goes and finds Romeo, who is seeking for love all the time. The prince came down and punished the two families, the Capulet and the Montague.

Instead of sword fighting we have a guns battle, which is cool, they modernize the props a lot, horses-cars swords to guns old landmarks to new landmarks, prince-chief police. Somehow bite the thumb at somebody is impolite in the old time (they do it as well in this movie, which is annoying). So at first we saw the famous prologue of Shakespeare, the scene after that is when Benvolio drive his car to a gas station, in old time he would just probably walk or arrive there on a horse. If any of you don’t know about Romeo and Juliet story, I will briefly go through it. This movie is a full “copy” of the Romeo Juliet original play, they still keep the same quotes and same plot, the only things that change is the props. Some of them is a action movie actors so they not use to speak a lot, and it’s really hard for them in this situation. William Shakespeare script is not really easy to play, but the actors in here are outstanding at it. It’s pretty surprise that, the movie is using old English throughout the movie, so I can’t really understand all of it.

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet original story. Titanic the one that made Leonardo DiCaprio famous, Claire Danes is famous because of this movie, Let see how cheesy this can be!! This movie is act by Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes, these two are already famous when they was young. It will probably be modernize because I can see guns. Romeo and Juliet is probably the greatest love story ever, and what is it doing here in the 90’s world.